The range of products for fire network systems are manufactured domestically, we also integrate equipment of prestigious international brands with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards.

We supply single stage cantilever impeller pumps (OH1) with diesel engine or electric motor and horizontal split casing pumps with diesel engine or electric motor, considering power and control panels.

The skid-mounted option facilitates integration with the fire network in the field and allows for a "Plug and Play" device that reduces costs and decreases installation time.

General applications:

  • • Power generation plants.
  • • Protection in ports and airports.
  • • Protection in hotels, schools, universities, clinics and hospitals.
  • • Protection in industries, factories, stores, supermarkets and malls.

Firefighting network under NFPA-20 standard. 

We supplied this solution for one of the most important Holding of the forestry and paper industry located in the VIII region of our country. This system was mounted on a self-supporting skid, which allows the integration of all the components that make up the pumping system, i.e., main pump, jockey pump, control panels, accessories and valves.

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UL/FM standard firefighting system

This system is composed of the main pump which is driven by diesel engine, electric jockey pump, control panel for main pump and jockey, accessories according to NFPA standard, suction and discharge manifold and the relief line.

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Seawater firefighting network

For a company dedicated to the construction and repair of ships in Talcahuano, we supplied a hydraulic system composed of vertical turbine type pumps, whose feed is sea water, including auxiliary pumps that are supplied from a clean water tank, mounted on a self-supporting skid considering control panels, accessories and valves.

We invite you to visit the following link for more details: